Rachel in Tokyo

This is a blog about an American law school student studying in Tokyo for the semester.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Bowling in Shibuya! We went to this 8-story Sega facility and met up with Joe, Tom, my friend, Mutsuko, and Kaori and one of her best friends. My bowling class that I took as a P.E. requirement in college really paid off! I beat everyone with an all-time high score of 100! But then Tom had to really kick my butt in the second round.

Kaori sure does know her English! She trash-talked me for 2 days before the event!!!

Who says Japanese women don't have boobs?

Hey! Kaori started it!!!!

Joe had to show us that he had balls.

But Kaori was the real poser!

Look real closely, and you will see Joe's ball as it makes its notorious dissent into the gutter! (oooooh. Joe will make me pay for that comment, I'm sure)
My big brother Tom...
Mutsuko is one of my students! She actually bowled a great game!
Joe is right at home, in between 3 beautiful Japanese women, Kaori, Mutsuko and Kaori's friend.

After bowling, Tom showed us a great little bar in Ayoma.
They had a band there playing live music! They were free-jamming.
And they ROCKED!
Tom, Mutsuko and me jammin!

This drummer, NORI, has his own CD! He was great!!!
It was a great night. And Kaori and Joe have promised to practice their bowling game, so that the next time they decide to trash-talk, they will be able to back it up with some real possibilities....


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